Young Families

Young families are invited to gather for occasional events, which often include fun activities like swimming, movies, farm visits, meals together, and times for devotions. All families with children ages 0-teens are invited, and even those out of the age bracket are always welcome to join in the fun! Watch the weekly bulletin for dates.

Sr Youth (Grades 9-12, and up)

Currently inactive, stay tuned!

Affinity Groups

Join one of our many affinity groups, including our WSW (Women Supporting Women) who meet monthly for breakfast and devotions/guest speakers at Quehl’s; Dinner Club, who attend different restaurants in the area; Young @ Heart, our “not-quite-seniors” group who do a variety of events and getaways through the year; Men’s Breakfast, a monthly gathering for men at Quehl’s for breakfast and devotions/guest speakers; and many more!

Have a passion? Start a new affinity group! Speak with one of our Care Team team members to get this started.

Adult Fellowship

Occasional  gatherings held at the church in the fellowship hall.  A variety of activities may be offered from seasonal potlucks or catered dinners to socializing, game playing, and entertainment.

Other Ministries

Inter-Generational Activities and Events

Nourishment for Encouragement

Prayer Shawls

Youth Adult Fellowship (Post – Secondary)

Women of  MCEC

(VBS) Vacation Bible School

Bible Study (for information on current bible study groups, please contact the church office)